Some new podcasts

Some new podcasts

Linda Fox, who attended my CDLC presentation on Monday, suggested two great podcast diectories.

The Education Podcasting Network links to podcasts created by various educational institutions, including elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, & higher ed. They also group them by subject, including health, English, second languages, and social studies. Worth checking out if you want to see how to use podcasts in your school!

The Podcast Network publishes its own podcast content -- similar to a radio or television network, but for podcasts. You can get some of them in iTunes, but this web site shows all of them and lets you subscribe to their content. Very independent.

Thanks, Linda!

- Psychology Podcasts @ Uconn
UConn psychology professor Dr. David B. Miller is recording small group discussions which enhance his two large psychology classes. One podcast is called iCube ("Issues In Intro"), about which Miller says: [These] are informal discussions with students...

- Oxford Dnb Podcasts!
Wow, the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (DNB) is offering podcasts podcasts of some of its entries. You can get them in iTunes, or browse their past (podcast) biographees online. They include Maurice Gibb, of the Bee Gees; Alan May, physicist...

- Science Podcasts
My friend Emily is maintaining a link of science-related podcasts. I might add AccessMedicine's podcasts from Harrison's or Hurst’s the Heart Updates. You don’t even have to be at a library that has a subscription to AccessMedicine to listen...

- Podcast Updates
The New York Times is podcasting some of its select content. You know, the kind you have to pay for, but you really want to read, like Maureen Dowd, Frank Rich [coming soon], and Bob Herbert Bob Herbert's columns. I’m a Times News Tracker subscriber,...

- Podcasts Rock
Well, I am a complete convert to the joys of (listening to) podcasts. Now that they're in iTunes and easy enough for a person's father to use, I am finally using them. (And there will be lots of commuting time in my future during which I can listen...

