Oxford DNB Podcasts!
Wow, the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (DNB) is offering podcasts podcasts of some of its entries. You can get them in iTunes, or browse their past (podcast) biographees online. They include Maurice Gibb, of the Bee Gees; Alan May, physicist and spy; Barry Sheene, racing motorcyclist; and Denis Thatcher, prime ministerial consort (ha!). There are new podcasts daily.
Great way to move an awesome print resource into the digital age. Browse some entries in the old-fashioned print format.
Sirsidynix Institutes Are Podcasting!
Check out SirsiDynix's podcasts! I've posted about their Instutites before -- they cover topics like wikis for librarians, customer service, and the one I saw, on electronic resource managers. They feature well-known names in library-land talking...
National Poetry Month
Coupla cool podcasts in honor of National Poetry Month: PoetCast, from the Academy of American Poets. So far, there are a few poetry readings, and some poets talk about poems by others. Knopf has expanded its Poem A Day project for this year's National...
Science Podcasts
My friend Emily is maintaining a link of science-related podcasts. I might add AccessMedicine's podcasts from Harrison's or Hurst’s the Heart Updates. You don’t even have to be at a library that has a subscription to AccessMedicine to listen...
Favorite Podcasts
I'll be linking to some of my favorite podcasts over on the left navigation bar of this blog. I listen to lots o' podcasts on my 2+ hour daily (round-trip) commute, and I wanted to have a place to park the ones I like best. They're not necessarily...
Podcasts Rock
Well, I am a complete convert to the joys of (listening to) podcasts. Now that they're in iTunes and easy enough for a person's father to use, I am finally using them. (And there will be lots of commuting time in my future during which I can listen...