Podcasts Rock
Well, I am a complete convert to the joys of (listening to) podcasts. Now that they're in iTunes and easy enough for a person's father to use, I am finally using them. (And there will be lots of commuting time in my future during which I can listen to my collection).
There are some great science podcasts, which will help me keep up with cog sci in my new life. On July 2, 2005, Science Friday spoke with Nobel Laureate Eric Kandel about memory, learning, and the human brain. Less about the
human brain, really, and a bit more about slug brains, but Dr. Kandel made it interesting. You can stream the show here, or search iTunes for Science Friday and then look for July 2.
In non-CS related podcasts, I
love Slate Magazine's podcast. Andy Bowers (former correspondent for NPR) reads a story a day from Slate online. Nice to hear his voice again, and very interesting to hear some random Slate articles.
Oh, and just one more -- haven't listened to this yet, but I will real soon: WordNerds! The most recent 'cast covers collective nouns for ~40 minutes. A linguist's delight!
Neuroscience Podcasts From Science And The City
Tom Wolfe (The Bonfire of the Vanities) interviews Michael Gazzaniga (The Ethical Brain) in a podcast titled Ethics in the Age of Neuroscience. Produced by the Dana Foundation and the New York Academy of Science, it's the first in a series of podcasts...
Finding Cogsci Podcasts
In case you're wondering ... here are some ways to find nifty cognitive science & other podcasts. Here's a Google search trick I use to find podcasts of interviews with folks whom I'd like to hear: inurl:podcast + "name of person" (in...
Meet The Databases!
Leslie Porter, one of my former students, has created some innovative podcasts at Fairfield University. She started with a series called Meet the Databases, in which she interviews databases like Google Scholar (a surfer dude) and JStor (a soft-spoken...
Oxford Dnb Podcasts!
Wow, the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (DNB) is offering podcasts podcasts of some of its entries. You can get them in iTunes, or browse their past (podcast) biographees online. They include Maurice Gibb, of the Bee Gees; Alan May, physicist...
Science Podcasts
My friend Emily is maintaining a link of science-related podcasts. I might add AccessMedicine's podcasts from Harrison's or Hurst’s the Heart Updates. You don’t even have to be at a library that has a subscription to AccessMedicine to listen...