Science Podcasts
My friend Emily is maintaining a link of science-related podcasts.
I might add AccessMedicine's podcasts from Harrison's or Hurst’s the Heart Updates. You don’t even have to be at a library that has a subscription to AccessMedicine to listen (at least for now).
Podcasts are handy if you've got some time in the car and an iPod to fill ...
Meet The Databases!
Leslie Porter, one of my former students, has created some innovative podcasts at Fairfield University. She started with a series called Meet the Databases, in which she interviews databases like Google Scholar (a surfer dude) and JStor (a soft-spoken...
Oxford Dnb Podcasts!
Wow, the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (DNB) is offering podcasts podcasts of some of its entries. You can get them in iTunes, or browse their past (podcast) biographees online. They include Maurice Gibb, of the Bee Gees; Alan May, physicist...
Sirsidynix Institutes Are Podcasting!
Check out SirsiDynix's podcasts! I've posted about their Instutites before -- they cover topics like wikis for librarians, customer service, and the one I saw, on electronic resource managers. They feature well-known names in library-land talking...
Some New Podcasts
Linda Fox, who attended my CDLC presentation on Monday, suggested two great podcast diectories. The Education Podcasting Network links to podcasts created by various educational institutions, including elementary schools, middle schools, high schools,...
Podcasts Rock
Well, I am a complete convert to the joys of (listening to) podcasts. Now that they're in iTunes and easy enough for a person's father to use, I am finally using them. (And there will be lots of commuting time in my future during which I can listen...