Podcast updates

Podcast updates

The New York Times is podcasting some of its select content. You know, the kind you have to pay for, but you really want to read, like Maureen Dowd, Frank Rich [coming soon], and Bob Herbert Bob Herbert's columns. I’m a Times News Tracker subscriber, so the podcasts work for me; your mileage may vary. They’re read by a “professional announcers”, not the columnists, so don’t expect to hear Maureen’s or Tom Friedman’s voice. But still, this is pretty cool.

In other podcasting news, both New Scientist and Nature are podcasting. Haven’t listened to either yet, but they look promising. New Scientist is running this as an experiment and will send you the podcast URL when you sign up to be notified. So far, neither is doing much with cognitive science, but I’m sure they will sooner or later.

And besides, life isn’t only cog sci, is it?!

- Finding Cogsci Podcasts
In case you're wondering ... here are some ways to find nifty cognitive science & other podcasts. Here's a Google search trick I use to find podcasts of interviews with folks whom I'd like to hear: inurl:podcast + "name of person" (in...

- Science In The News Seminar @ Harvard Med School
I am listening to a great series of public lectures on various aspects of science in the news, sponsored by Harvard Medical School this past fall. Each session is approximately 90 minutes, broken into three segments (conveniently, each segment is its...

- Chat Transcript
Ok, so maybe you can't read Maureen Dowd's faux POTUS chat transcript for free (TimesSelect membership or LexisNexis required), but it's hysterical. Featuring decider, Rumstud74, Rover08, DarthV, and my favorite, sexylibrarian. Great sense...

- Some New Podcasts
Linda Fox, who attended my CDLC presentation on Monday, suggested two great podcast diectories. The Education Podcasting Network links to podcasts created by various educational institutions, including elementary schools, middle schools, high schools,...

- Blogging & Podcasting News
Just discovered that CBS News is blogging too. I prefer the casual yet newsy tone of NBC’s Daily Nightly, but CBS offers an RSS feed. And have I mentioned that the News Hour is podcasting? I don’t have time (or patience) to watch TV News, but I like...

