She's back ... kind of

She's back ... kind of

Hmm. Not sure what the status of this blog is, besides ... “quiet”. The new job is keeping me hopping, as is the part-time job on weekends. Less time to blog, and, sadly, less exposure to cool stuff in Cognitive Science.
I must admit that’s what I miss most about the new job, although in all other respects, it’s terrific. But it’s no CogSci. :-(

That said, I am just starting to work with UConn’s Department of Communication Science. This department includes media coverage, CMC (computer-mediated communication), as well as communication disorders. Maybe some of that will pop up in this blog?

In the meantime, I’ll post less and it will be more LIS-related, tho’ hopefully still interesting to some aspects of CogSci.

- Bloggers Behind The Blogs: Neuroskeptic
This is part of an ongoing series of interviews with some of the world's leading psychology and neuroscience bloggers. Next up, Neuroskeptic of the Neuroskeptic blog. How did you become a psychology/neurosci blogger? I'd long had an interest in...

- About: Library Tip O' The Month
This summer, I was appointed the librarian for the department of psychology at UConn. UConn's department of psychology is organized into six sections, covering Behavioral Neuroscience, Developmental, Clinical, Perception, Action, Cognition, Industrial/...

- Library & Information Science Blog Posts
So I got an iPod Touch a few weeks ago, and it's swell. I love having the Internet anywhere in the house or at work, and this makes it much easier to keep up with blogs. Yay! Google Reader has a terrific mobile interface, which makes the blog posts...

- Finding Cogsci Podcasts
In case you're wondering ... here are some ways to find nifty cognitive science & other podcasts. Here's a Google search trick I use to find podcasts of interviews with folks whom I'd like to hear: inurl:podcast + "name of person" (in...

- Going To Uconn
Dear faithful readers, The CogSci Librarian may be no longer. I've left Hampshire to take a job at the University of Connecticut / Storrs. I'm not going to be affiliated with any aspect of cognitive science, at least not academically. :-( I will...

