Library & Information Science Blog Posts
So I got an iPod Touch a few weeks ago, and it's swell. I love having the Internet anywhere in the house or at work, and this makes it much easier to keep up with blogs. Yay! Google Reader has a terrific mobile interface, which makes the blog posts easy to read. Say what you will about Google taking over the world, but they sure know what works for people. I wish libraries were more like Google in that respect. But I digress.
Anyway, I've had more time to browse / read blogs, both cognitive science and library science. Yay! I've seen things I want to blog. I star the items I want to blog and go back to them later, investigate, and write a blog post. I've also seen items I want to share with my LIS students. But that's not what this blog is for, and I can't take on another blog.
Google to the rescue! I can also "share" items:
Nifty! And because Google owns Blogger / Blogspot, I can easily embed the recently starred posts on the right navigation bar of this blog. If you have a Google Reader account, you can subscribe to my shared items and easily see the new posts.
Images Online
I saw two great lists of free online images, both published in November. Thought I'd blog them here so I don't forget them ... Find free images online - Judy O'Connell's list (check out the rest of her blog too -- great library content...
Google & Ill-formed Searches
Great article in the online journal Library Philosophy and Practice (LPP) ("a peer-reviewed electronic journal that publishes articles exploring the connection between library practice and the philosophy and theory behind it.") about using Google in the...
Libraries 4 My Friends
Coupla posts going up at my sister blog, Libraries 4 My Friends. Today's is about using / Find in a Library. You've used it, right? If not, search for a book -- any book (cd, dvd, manuscript, anything!!) in the box to the left of...
Library Systems Too Complex!
Argh. A few months ago, I started the Libraries for My Friends blog, in which I try to help my friends use their local library. I'd send this to some non-library friends, and one of them just asked if I could help her brother find audio books in...
Rssfwd Helps Me Stay Current
Tony showed me a very cool way to stay current with blogs: RssFwd. Their tag line is “Reading RSS the way you are already reading your emails“ — they will take an RSS feed and email you when there are new posts to the blog. I believe Tony uses this...