About: Library Tip o' the Month
This summer, I was appointed the librarian for the department of psychology at UConn. UConn's department of psychology is organized into six sections, covering Behavioral Neuroscience, Developmental, Clinical, Perception, Action, Cognition, Industrial/ Organizational, and Social psychology. They also offer programs in Language & Cognition and Ecological Psychology. You can see some of the faculty's recent publications in this Scopus feed -- very interesting indeed!
This is great news for me, as I'm quite a psychology buff, and I'm excited to work with some actual cognitive scientists. As part of my new duties, I am going to integrate this blog with my work for psychology and communication sciences (where I am also the liaison). So interspersed with cog sci news & info will be periodic posts providing a "Library Tip o' the Month."
Stay tuned!
*new* Psychology & Communication Sciences Books
Thanks to WorldCat and Google Reader, I've created some nifty lists that highlight new books I've purchased in communication sciences (either communication or communication disorders) and psychology. As new books come into the library, I add...
Library Tip O' The Month: Ill *rocks*
There's a great library service for UConn community members who want library materials but don't have the time / energy / physical ability to come over to the Homer Babbidge Library The Library's DD/ILL staff (library jargon for: "if we don't...
Snark, Librarians Bringing The
Have you seen the blog A Librarian's Guide to Etiquette? It’s snarkingly funny, if you work in a library and have a certain sense of humor. It’s not for everyone, but I was ROTFL the other day when I read the summer’s posts. Couldn’t explain...
She's Back ... Kind Of
Hmm. Not sure what the status of this blog is, besides ... “quiet”. The new job is keeping me hopping, as is the part-time job on weekends. Less time to blog, and, sadly, less exposure to cool stuff in Cognitive Science.
Cognitive Science Focus @ Uconn!
Cognitive Science Talks @ UConn, Fall, 2005 All talks take place at 4pm on Fridays. September 30, 2005. Gordon Logan, Vanderbilt University, "Executive control of thought and action: In search of the elusive homunculus." Al Liberman Room (BOUS 160). October...