Going to UConn
Dear faithful readers,
The CogSci Librarian may be no longer. I've left Hampshire to take a job at the University of Connecticut / Storrs. I'm not going to be affiliated with any aspect of cognitive science, at least not academically. :-(
I will be working with lots of electronic databases (yay) and some really great librarians. I have been working with some wonderful folks, both in the library and in the School of Cognitive Science at Hampshire, and I'll miss them.
The question remaining is: should I continue the blog?
hmmm. Stick around and find out.
Leaving New England ... Moving To North Carolina!
The CogSci Librarian is on the move! I am leaving my position as Electronic Resource Librarian at the University of Connecticut on April 30. I'll be moving to North Carolina to serve as the director of the Park Library at the School of Journalism...
Another Reason I Blog
This blog was originally intended to provide a spot to put articles, links, etc. I found that would interest "my" faculty & staff at Hampshire College's School of Cognitive Science. I became more and more interested in the interdisciplinary topic...
Libsite Cites
Have you seen LibSite? It's a social networking sie that showcases great library web sites. "Sites" can include content, library home pages, and blogs. I promoted the awesome Danbury Library Catalog. Check out web sites that librarians (and non-librarians,...
Cog Sci Publications @ Hampshire
Just discovered a cool way to use Scopus author affiliation + RSS feed to create a dynamic list of new publications. Check out what folks in the School of Cognitive Science at Hampshire have written lately: Note that this is only publications that...
Cs Videos At Hampshire
Did you know that Hampshire has lots of cool DVDs and videos of interest to cognitive scientists? There are over 20 titles, which you can see at Learn more information about the titles by clicking...