Favorite Podcasts

Favorite Podcasts

I'll be linking to some of my favorite podcasts over on the left navigation bar of this blog. I listen to lots o' podcasts on my 2+ hour daily (round-trip) commute, and I wanted to have a place to park the ones I like best. They're not necessarily related to this blog, but I like 'em.

- More Resources For A-level Students
New podcasts and classroom posters are available for download from the OCR exam board, following two events held in association with the British Psychological Society in January. The resources relate to the core studies part of OCR's new syllabus...

- Finding Cogsci Podcasts
In case you're wondering ... here are some ways to find nifty cognitive science & other podcasts. Here's a Google search trick I use to find podcasts of interviews with folks whom I'd like to hear: inurl:podcast + "name of person" (in...

- Oxford Dnb Podcasts!
Wow, the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (DNB) is offering podcasts podcasts of some of its entries. You can get them in iTunes, or browse their past (podcast) biographees online. They include Maurice Gibb, of the Bee Gees; Alan May, physicist...

- Some New Podcasts
Linda Fox, who attended my CDLC presentation on Monday, suggested two great podcast diectories. The Education Podcasting Network links to podcasts created by various educational institutions, including elementary schools, middle schools, high schools,...

- Podcasts Rock
Well, I am a complete convert to the joys of (listening to) podcasts. Now that they're in iTunes and easy enough for a person's father to use, I am finally using them. (And there will be lots of commuting time in my future during which I can listen...

