Mixing Memory: Motivated Reasoning II: Are Political Partisans Irrational?

Mixing Memory: Motivated Reasoning II: Are Political Partisans Irrational?

Mixing Memory: Motivated Reasoning II: Are Political Partisans Irrational?

A detailed, expert debunking of neuromarketing in politics; sure to engage "the thinking part of your brain."

- Mirror Meme
Mirror neuron backlash has struck! From a spark lit by Chris at Mixing Memory criticizing "massive, overblown publicity" and some iffy mirror neuron research, debate spread like brushfire (or at least, like email). Among the technical commentary and research...

- How Predictably Irrational Are You?
The Independent newspaper recently featured an article and interactive quiz by behavioural economist Dan Ariely, the author of Predictably Irrational, about - you guessed it - how irrational we are. Most articles or books on this topic begin by saying...

- Mirror Neurons Control The Universe
Chris at Mixing Memory has a piece on the latest paper (Freedberg & Gallese, TICS 2007) to describe mirror neurons as accounting for empathy, art, aesthetics, and all forms of nonverbal communication (and and peace, love, and understanding. What's...

- Politics & The Brain
Some interesting news / articles lately about the political brain. Here are some tidbits, in the order in which I heard them: This week's All in the Mind covered the political brain: "As Australians stand in front of the cardboard voting booth next...

- Participate In A Research Study And Receive $150!
Researchers at the University of Maryland Center for Advanced Study of Language (CASL) are requesting participation in an experiment that is examining thinking and reasoning. Experiment Participant Thinking and Reasoning Study UMD Center for Advanced...

