Participate in a Research Study and receive $150!

Participate in a Research Study and receive $150!

Researchers at the University of Maryland Center for Advanced Study of Language (CASL) are requesting participation in an experiment that is examining thinking and reasoning.

Experiment Participant
Thinking and Reasoning Study
UMD Center for Advanced Study of Language

Participants are needed for a study investigating thinking and reasoning. Tasks include: completing exercises on a computer, filling out questionnaires, etc. Upon completion of 8 hours of tasks (completed through multiple 3 to 3-hour sessions), participants will receive $150.

  • Completing tasks of memory, reading, thinking and problem-solving
  • Completing 8 hours of tasks
  • Be a native English speaker over the age of 18
  • Have normal, or corrected to normal, hearing and vision
  • Have unimpaired use of your dominant writing hand
  • Not have a personal history of neurological, neuropsychiatric, psychiatric disorders, learning disabilities, or head injury in which consciousness was lost
How to Apply:
Contact the researchers at [email protected] to set up an appointment.

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