Mirror Neurons Control The Universe
Chris at Mixing Memory has a piece on the latest paper (Freedberg & Gallese,
TICS 2007) to describe mirror neurons as accounting for empathy, art, aesthetics, and all forms of nonverbal communication (and and peace, love, and understanding. What's so funny?).
Mirror neurons are indeed neat, but many observers think the whole craze is an overhyped meme.
Mirror Neuron Death March
Above image: Jim Peters almost wins the marathon Vancouver, 7 August 1954, with mirror neurons by Rizzolatti & Craighero (2004). Greg Hickok at Talking Brains has a series of posts dismantling the mirror neuron theory of action understanding. Actually,...
Mirror Neurons In Primary Motor Cortex?
The mirror neurons, it would seem, dissolve the barrier between self and others. I call them "empathy neurons" or "Dalai Llama neurons". -- MIRROR NEURONS AND THE BRAIN IN THE VAT by V.S. Ramachandran Everyone knows what mirror neurons are,...
Spindle Neurons: The Next New Thing?
In a neuroanatomical tour de force, Nimchinsky and colleagues (1999) obtained access to samples of the anterior cingulate cortex (and other cortical regions) from 28 different primate species, from prosimians to anthropoids to great apes to humans. They...
Mirror Neurons
The cover story of the October 2005 issue of the American Psychological Association Monitor is one of several articles in the issue about mirror neurons: "The Mind's Mirror" by Lea Winerman. - Anthony H. Risser | neuroscience | neuropsychology |...
Mirror Neurons & Video Games
Been reading about mirror neurons a lot lately; first in the April issue of Scientific American Mind (abstract only) and now in the New York Times (from June 4, subscription may be required). SciAm suggests that mirror neurons are how we learn from the...