Politics & the Brain

Politics & the Brain

Some interesting news / articles lately about the political brain. Here are some tidbits, in the order in which I heard them:
All of the studies reported here have their supporters & their critics.
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Blogged with Flock

- This Is Your Brain On Politics
As the US Presidential Election builds to its climax, I just discovered that last month's (freely available) cover feature for the Observer magazine of the Association for Psychological Science was all about the psychology and neuroscience of politics....

- You're Similar To Me, So Have My Vote
Research into romantic attraction has shown that we're often drawn to people who are similar to ourselves. Now Gian Caprara and colleagues have shown the same principle applies to our voting habits. Over 1,500 Italian voters rated their own personality...

- Political Candidates - How Do You Choose Yours?
How do we judge political candidates? By how closely their political views match our own, or by characteristics such as their integrity and conscientiousness? Jeffery Mondak and Robert Huckfeldt at Florida State University and the University of California...

- This Is Your Brain On Additional Critiques
Still undecided, swing readers? Photos of Hillary Clinton elicited increased activity in the anterior cingulate cortex, a part of the brain that processes conflicting impulses, in swing voters who reported having an unfavorable opinion of her. Icons...

- Study Media And Politics Online This Winter Session!
GVPT479E Seminar in American Politics: Media and Politics: This course will introduce students to the various ways in which the media has and continues to play a role in American politics. Historical trends—from the partisan press of the 19th century,...

