Snark, Librarians Bringing the
Have you seen the blog A Librarian's Guide to Etiquette? It’s snarkingly funny, if you work in a library and have a certain sense of humor. It’s not for everyone, but I was ROTFL the other day when I read the summer’s posts. Couldn’t explain any of it to my non librarian husband (see the related libetiquette post, Incest, Professional) – but this blog is sure to keep me smiling.
I’m hoping for entries like:
Library Jargon, Implementing and
Learn Our Ways, Forcing Users to.
snark on.
(thanks, Emily!)
Helping Scholars Find Material (rant)
John Dupuis, who writes the blog Confessions of a Science Librarian refers us to an interesting series of posts called "Finding Scientific Papers for Free." Written by biologist Sandra Porter on her blog Discovering Biology in a Digital World, they are...
Libsite Cites
Have you seen LibSite? It's a social networking sie that showcases great library web sites. "Sites" can include content, library home pages, and blogs. I promoted the awesome Danbury Library Catalog. Check out web sites that librarians (and non-librarians,...
Addendum To Thoughts About Reference
My thoughts on this topic are evolving, and there are so many related blog posts about it, that I've created a separate post for my links & additional thoughts on The Future of Reference. In no particular order: * From the 2007 Massachusetts Library...
School Librarians Rock!
Dodie Gaudet posts over at the Our Future blog about the terrific-ness of school librarians and is filled with Respect and Admiration for them. I totally agree! I teach reference to future school librarians (among others) and since I don't know much...
Vanity Blogging
PubSub offers Librarian Blog rankings. Oooh, CogSci Librarian has gone up a smidge since yesterday & is tied for 36 in librarian blogs, or # 70,969 in the “Current Link Rank”. This is a good site for blogging vanity and for finding new librarian blogs...