Library Tip o' the Month: ILL *rocks*
There's a great library service for UConn community members who want library materials but don't have the time / energy / physical ability to come over to the Homer Babbidge Library
The Library's DD/ILL staff (library jargon for: "if we don't have it, we'll get it for you" department) is now scanning items at the Babbidge Library as well as items we don't own.
What does that mean to you?
If you want a journal article or book chapter, and it's not available online through UConn Links, request it through InterLibrary Loan (ILL) ... you should have a pdf of the item within 2 business days. My experience with this terrific service is that scanned items can come even more quickly than that.
There is currently
no charge to UConn students and faculty for this! (There is a charge to the University to do the scanning, so please ILL responsibly.)
Let me know if you have any questions or comments about this service.
Digitizing Books @ Uconn
UConn is participating in an exciting project whereby we are digitizing pre-1923 / out-of-copyright books as part of the Boston Library Consortium / Open Content Alliance project, with a goal of scanning approximately 1500 UConn books a year. The digitized...
My Public Schedule For Fall
In case you were wondering, there are a few places you can see me this fall, and if you can't come see me, you can read some stuff I wrote. Here are the details: Workshops "Live Usability Lab: See One, Do One & Take One Home." Thursday, September...
Libraries Need A Good Publicist
I've been on a tear recently about the lack of library advertising & promotion. We should PROMOTE THE H*LL OUT OF LIBRARIES -- our services, our resources (full-text of the New York Times online? Baltimore Sun? Contra Costa Times? We've got it:...
Ooh: Boston Public Library Ecards !!
from the BPL Online Registration and eCard FAQ : Can I register for a library card online? yes!! For a limited time, Massachusetts State Residents can sign up for a temporary (6 month) Boston Public Library eCard via the web! What is an "eCard"? BPL...
Promoting Libraries Locally?
So I was at a soccer game the other night (s), and across the field, I saw a large advertisement / poster for "Ludlow Community" ... Immediately my thoughts turned to the library, but I kept reading, and reread "Ludlow Community Market." This got my brain...