The Special Issue Spotter

The Special Issue Spotter

Stigma and mental illness (International Review of Psychiatry).

Lay conceptions of mental disorder (Australian Psychologist). How the public views mental illness. "It is difficult to imagine a topic of more pressing relevance to practising psychologists, in their relation to the society and culture that surrounds them," says associate editor Nick Haslam.

Cortical control of higher motor cognition (NeuroImage). The anatomy, electrophysiology, neuropsychology and functional imaging of the neural bases of how we move ourselves.

New dimensions in the study of social movement leadership (American Behavioural Scientist). This is about things like the role of leaders in Jewish resistance to the Nazis.

Gesture, brain and language (Brain and Language). The brain science of gesticulation, so to speak.

- The Special Issue Spotter
We trawl the world's journals so you don't have to: The Right Hand and the Left Hand of History (Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition). Includes article on Jimi Hendrix's mixed-handedness. Special Review Series on Social Neuroscience...

- The Special Issue Spotter
We trawl the web for the latest psychology journal special issues so you don't have to: Violence and mental illness (Psychiatric Services). Current directions in risk and decision-making (Developmental Review). International perspectives on brain...

- Psychiatrists Who Treat Themselves
A Michigan-based psychiatrist, Richard Balon, has raised concerns about how many of his colleagues are treating themselves for depression. Compared with the average person, depression is particularly prevalent among doctors and especially among psychiatrists....

- Psychotherapy Has Drug-like Effect On The Brain
There is now widespread evidence that successful psychological therapies induce changes to brain function, often in a way comparable to drug treatments. That’s according to a new review by Veena Kumari at the Institute of Psychiatry. Take the example...

- Interested In Mental Health Advocacy? Join Active Minds!
Active Minds at Maryland Weekly Meetings   WHEN: Thursdays at 7 PM WHERE: ASY3217Did you know 1 in 4 Americans age 18 to 22 are affected by a mental illness? Did you know suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in college students, but the...

