The Special Issue Spotter

The Special Issue Spotter

We trawl the world's journals so you don't have to:

The Right Hand and the Left Hand of History (Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition). Includes article on Jimi Hendrix's mixed-handedness.

Special Review Series on Social Neuroscience (Neuron).

Binding Processes: Neurodynamics and Functional Role in Memory and Action (Neuroscience and Biobehavioural Reviews).

Special Section on Epigenetic Perspectives on Development: Evolving insights on the Origins of Variation (Developmental Psychobiology).

Embodied Language Processing: Neuroimaging, Behavioural, and Neurocomputational Perspectives (Brain and Language).

- The Special Issue Spotter
We trawl the world's journals so you don't have to: Special Section on Behavioural Priming and its Replication (Perspectives on Psychological Science). Perceptual Narrowing (Developmental Psychobiology). Adaptive Memory: The Emergence...

- The Special Issue Spotter
We trawl the world's journals so you don't have to. Here are the latest journal special issues in psychology: Social media as a research environment (Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking) open access. Social Psychological Perspectives...

- The Special Issue Spotter
We trawl the world's journals so you don't have to: Mental Time Travel: Social Psychological Perspectives on a Fundamental Human Capacity (European Journal of Social Psychology). Cyberbullying: Development, consequences, risk and protective factors...

- The Special Issue Spotter
We trawl the world's journals so you don't have to. The Obama Presidency (Political Psychology). Neuroscience focus on Addiction (Nature Reviews Neuroscience). Sizes of Our Science (Perspectives on Psychological Science, special section). Innovation...

- The Special Issue Spotter
We look out for the latest journal special issues so you don't have to: Current directions (Behavioural Sciences and the Law). Language-vision interaction (Journal of Memory and Language). Attachment in Adolescence: Reflections and New Angles (New...

