The Game Brain (continued)

The Game Brain (continued)

Illustrator Paige Pooler has a cute illustration on her blog Eyes Wide Apart today on the topic of aging which seems appropo to the spirit of The Game Brain. (grin)
Anthony H. Risser | neuroscience | neuropsychology | brain

- Malnutrition
The World Bank has released a report on the topic of malnutrition - a topic that should be of interest to any developmentally oriented neuroscientist. - Anthony H. Risser | neuroscience | neuropsychology | brain...

- The Game Brain
The Wall Street Journal today has an article on the front page of its Marketplace section about Nintendo's entry to The Game Brain trend: Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day. Nintendo's Brain-Training Game Targets Older Players Ginny...

- The Brain Game
Today's Sunday Morning on CBS has as one of its features a report about mental-gym approaches and video games designed to try to keep the functioning of the aging brain as healthy as can be. The piece includes an interview with the founder of Posit...

- Caring For An Elderly Population: An Interview With Dr. Jerald Winakur
Fresh Air with Terry Gross from WHYY aired an interview today with Dr. Jerald Winakur on the topic of caring for an aging population and about dementia care (you can listen to the interview by accessing the link). The webpage also includes a link to the...

- "learning, Memory And The Brain" On Npr
A radio interview with Dr. Larry Squire on the topic of "Learning, Memory and the Brain" aired on NPR last week. An audio stream of the show can be found on the NPR site, as well as a podcast link. - Anthony H. Risser | neuroscience | neuropsychology...

