The Brain Game
Sunday Morning on CBS has as one of its features a report about mental-gym approaches and video games designed to try to keep the functioning of the aging brain as healthy as can be. The piece includes an interview with the founder of Posit Science, an interview with a functional MRI researcher from Stanford, and a look at constraint-induced (CI) therapy.
Anthony H. Risser | neuroscience | neuropsychology | brain
Neuropsychology Executive-function Card Game?
Boing Boing posts today about a "geeky card game" that seems to call for a good dose of healthy frontal lobe functioning. The game is called "Set." Read the posting here. (Another Boing Boing post today is about an online atlas of the monkey brain.) -...
The Game Brain (continued)
Illustrator Paige Pooler has a cute illustration on her blog Eyes Wide Apart today on the topic of aging which seems appropo to the spirit of The Game Brain. (grin) - Anthony H. Risser | neuroscience | neuropsychology | brain...
The Game Brain
There is an acceleration of interest in promoting cognitive and neuropsychological 'exercise' for a healthy brain, especially over the course of aging. Though most mainstream-media articles about this report it as a new phenomenon, it really is...
Dr. Michael Gazzaniga On C-span's Booktv
A mid-June interview of Dr. Michael Gazzaniga by novelist Tom Wolfe is airing this weekend on C-SPAN's BookTV. Topics include neuroethics and Gazzaniga's newest book, The Ethical Brain. The interview was held at the New York Academy of Sciences....
Software For A Game Brain
From Calisthenics for aging brains S.F. firm develops software to improve mental agility The San Francisco Chronicle Monday, April 4, 2005 Carolyn Said, Chronicle Staff Writer [snip] ... Posit Science says its brain-training program takes...