The Game Brain

The Game Brain

The Wall Street Journal today has an article on the front page of its Marketplace section about Nintendo's entry to The Game Brain trend: Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day.

Nintendo's Brain-Training Game Targets Older Players
Ginny Parker Woods
The Wall Street Journal
23 February 2006.
Anthony H. Risser | neuroscience | neuropsychology | brain

- Neurofitness Games
Via OmniBrain: PositScience offers a video game touted to improve cognitive skills, called the Brain Fitness Program. It tests auditory recognition speed then improves your score through memorization practice. It claims to reverse aging. I have a moisturizer...

- Upcoming Event: San Francisco, 18 March 2006: The Universe, Weighing In At Three Pounds
Looking forward to reading a new book, The Three-Pound Enigma : The Human Brain and the Quest to Unlock Its Mysteries by Shannon Moffett. You can attend a presentation by the author on the 18th of March 2006 (7 p.m.) at Cover to Cover Booksellers , located...

- The Game Brain
From The Washington Post:Preventive Maintenance For the Brain Can Exercise or Mind Games Help? A Look at the Evidence By Alicia Ault Special to The Washington Post Tuesday, February 21, 2006; Page HE01 If it seems you're forgetting more as you grow...

- Neuropsychology Executive-function Card Game?
Boing Boing posts today about a "geeky card game" that seems to call for a good dose of healthy frontal lobe functioning. The game is called "Set." Read the posting here. (Another Boing Boing post today is about an online atlas of the monkey brain.) -...

- The Game Brain (continued)
Illustrator Paige Pooler has a cute illustration on her blog Eyes Wide Apart today on the topic of aging which seems appropo to the spirit of The Game Brain. (grin) - Anthony H. Risser | neuroscience | neuropsychology | brain...

