Addendum to Thoughts about Reference
My thoughts on this topic are evolving, and there are so many related blog posts about it, that I've created a separate post for my links & additional thoughts on The Future of Reference.
In no particular order:
* From the 2007 Massachusetts Library Association Conference Blog, all posts tagged with reference. Starts with a roundtable discussion entitled "Is Reference Dead?" and "Radical Reference: Community Librarianship and Free/Open Source Technology", with Jenna Freedman and Eric Goldhagen.
* Aaron's Walking Paper blog comments on the Chronicle of Higher Education article Are Reference Desks Dying Out?
* SomeLibrarian talks indirectly about the changing role of reference at his Some Librarian blog in a post about using facebook with students, and another about Librarian with Latte.
* John Ramsay, WMRLS Regional Administrator, one of my co-panelists, asked a great question:
"Is 'reference' the best name for what we do?" What is a better name?
Reference Theory & Practice
I'm thrilled to link to my article on The Reference Interview: Theories and Practice, recently published by Library Philosophy and Practice (LPP). They abstract it thusly: The reference librarian's task is to translate the patron's question...
Images Online
I saw two great lists of free online images, both published in November. Thought I'd blog them here so I don't forget them ... Find free images online - Judy O'Connell's list (check out the rest of her blog too -- great library content...
School Librarians Rock!
Dodie Gaudet posts over at the Our Future blog about the terrific-ness of school librarians and is filled with Respect and Admiration for them. I totally agree! I teach reference to future school librarians (among others) and since I don't know much...
Signage In Libraries
The great Stephen Abram, in his Stephen's Lighthouse blog points to a Flickr site on Library Signage. There are some good ones & some bad ones. I'm going to use this in my reference class as a discussion point for how the reference area should...
Who Is The Inventor Of The Livestock Ramps ...
Some CogSci Librarian readers may remember Temple Grandin as the answer to this reference question: "Who is the inventor of the livestock ramps currently used at many cattle slaughter plants, and where can I find biographical information about her? These...