Addendum to Thoughts about Reference

Addendum to Thoughts about Reference

My thoughts on this topic are evolving, and there are so many related blog posts about it, that I've created a separate post for my links & additional thoughts on The Future of Reference.

In no particular order:

* From the 2007 Massachusetts Library Association Conference Blog, all posts tagged with reference. Starts with a roundtable discussion entitled "Is Reference Dead?" and "Radical Reference: Community Librarianship and Free/Open Source Technology", with Jenna Freedman and Eric Goldhagen.

* Aaron's Walking Paper blog comments on the Chronicle of Higher Education article Are Reference Desks Dying Out?

* SomeLibrarian talks indirectly about the changing role of reference at his Some Librarian blog in a post about using facebook with students, and another about Librarian with Latte.

* John Ramsay, WMRLS Regional Administrator, one of my co-panelists, asked a great question: "Is 'reference' the best name for what we do?" What is a better name?

- Reference Theory & Practice
I'm thrilled to link to my article on The Reference Interview: Theories and Practice, recently published by Library Philosophy and Practice (LPP). They abstract it thusly: The reference librarian's task is to translate the patron's question...

- Images Online
I saw two great lists of free online images, both published in November. Thought I'd blog them here so I don't forget them ... Find free images online - Judy O'Connell's list (check out the rest of her blog too -- great library content...

- School Librarians Rock!
Dodie Gaudet posts over at the Our Future blog about the terrific-ness of school librarians and is filled with Respect and Admiration for them. I totally agree! I teach reference to future school librarians (among others) and since I don't know much...

- Signage In Libraries
The great Stephen Abram, in his Stephen's Lighthouse blog points to a Flickr site on Library Signage. There are some good ones & some bad ones. I'm going to use this in my reference class as a discussion point for how the reference area should...

- Who Is The Inventor Of The Livestock Ramps ...
Some CogSci Librarian readers may remember Temple Grandin as the answer to this reference question: "Who is the inventor of the livestock ramps currently used at many cattle slaughter plants, and where can I find biographical information about her? These...

