LibSite Cites
Have you seen LibSite? It's a social networking sie that showcases great library web sites. "Sites" can include content, library home pages, and blogs. I promoted the awesome Danbury Library Catalog.
Check out web sites that librarians (and non-librarians, theoretically) think are cool, such as the Seattle Public Libary, the Library of Congress blog, and, of possible interest to the cogsci readers, the William James Cybrary.
There's only one entry tagged school library; anyone want to add another?!
(see some of the cool sites they're highlighting over on the right of my blog)
Twitter & The Library Of Congress
You may have seen that the Library of Congress will be archiving Tweets for the future. Here are my tweets on the topic, which should provide a brief summary of some useful articles:How Tweet It Is!: Library of Congress Acquires, Saves Entire Twitter...
Social Networking Sites From Nasig
This list of social networking sites comes from an article I'm co-writing with David Lee King, based on the presentation he gave at NASIG 2008 on Emerging Trends, 2.0, & Libraries. David referred to lots of cool sites which highlighted his point...
Images Online
I saw two great lists of free online images, both published in November. Thought I'd blog them here so I don't forget them ... Find free images online - Judy O'Connell's list (check out the rest of her blog too -- great library content...
Funability In Danbury
The Loose Cannon Librarian has done a very cool thing: she's mashed the Danbury Library catalog with the social networking tools of Library Thing for Libraries (read more about it on the Library Thing blog). If you look for a book & want to find "more...
Real Life Librarian Blogs
These two blogs are great for prospective reference librarians – they tell what reference library work is really like, as opposed to sources and formal reference theory which is what I teach at Simmons. Both have graciously allowed me to use their experiences...