Public Library Marketing Toolkit
ProQuest & CSA have come out with a terrific public library marketing toolkit that could benefit ALL libraries.
It includes some great material that savvy librarians can use to publicize their offerings, and not just those from ProQuest / CSA (tho' vendor-specific material is listed too):
* How-to guide on Marketing Your Library's Online Resources
(pdf)* Customizable library patron brochure
(pdf)* Sample database descriptions that speak "patron" rather than library language
(pdf)* Getting Started — a digital "ad" that can be downloaded to the library's homepage
and, really in the marketing zone,
press releases to announce new databases:
* Ancestry Library Edition (including ready-made quotes by the library director & patrons!)
(word)* Black Studies Center
(word)but wait! there's more!
* African-American Genealogy Resources Bookmark
(pdf)* A nifty Genealogy Poster
(pdf)What's great about these is that they are written in "patron" rather than mls-librarian lingo, and most of them are customizable for your library. Yay, ProQuest / CSA!
Read More
Rogers, Michael. ProQuest CSA Free Marketing Kit. Library Journal, 4/1/2007, Vol. 132 Issue 6, p23-24.
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