Powerpoint Much?
Garr Reynolds’ blog Presentation Zen is a must-read for anyone who makes powerpoints. Great sensible ideas for creating good “slideware” with examples – the comparison of Steve Jobs’ and Bill Gates’ presentations are eye-opening (and more positive for Jobs than Gates).
Stuff I already knew and do:
use the [b] key to “blank” the screen while talking; forces the audience to pay attention to you rather than your slide.
Stuff I will try to incorporate into future presentations:
less text, more images (even moving images!)
use slide transitions; Garr says it’s ok to use 2-3 per show. I might use them to differentiate between one segment of class from another (i.e., from “ready reference sources” to “ethics” to “bibliography assignment” in basic reference).
See also Garr’s
- analysis of the Lessig Method (yup, Larry Lessig) and the Kawasaki Method (former Apple guru Guy Kawaski: ten slides, ten ideas), and his
- presentation tips; all three sections are useful.
Can we get lots o’ librarians to read these? Make ppt better for all!
Images Online
I saw two great lists of free online images, both published in November. Thought I'd blog them here so I don't forget them ... Find free images online - Judy O'Connell's list (check out the rest of her blog too -- great library content...
Tips Of All Kinds
From Guy Kawasaki's most excellent blog: 1. The Nine Biggest Myths of the Workplace by Penelope Trunk. Trunk, author of Brazen Careerist: The New Rules for Success, debunks some career myths. Find out why such aphorisms as "You’ll be happier if...
Desirable Difficulties
I'm not teaching this semester, so what am I doing? Thinking about teaching. Saw a great lecture last week by cognitive psychologist Robert Bjork (article from UConn Advance) of UCLA. His talk was called "How We Learn vs. How We Think We Learn" (pdf...
Two Cool Webcasts
MIT’s Picower Institute for Learning and Memory celebrated its formal opening on Dec. 1 with a “major scientific symposium” entitled the Future of the Brain. The event focused on the future of neuroscience research, and included several Nobel Laureates,...
How To Make A Beautiful Science Presentation
Now that my internship at the University of Chicago Conte Center for Computational Neuropsychiatric Genomics is over, I'm home in Indiana for a week before heading back to Bloomington for the start of university. During the last week of the internship,...