Two Cool Webcasts
MIT’s Picower Institute for Learning and Memory celebrated its formal opening on Dec. 1 with a “major scientific symposium” entitled the Future of the Brain. The event focused on the future of neuroscience research, and included several Nobel Laureates, and experts in neuroscience, memory, and consciousness. They have posted a webcast which features the whole 7 hour session broken into two parts.
On November 17, 2005, the New York Public Library sponsored a debate about Google Print, entitled "The Battle Over Books: Authors & Publishers Take on the Google Print Library Project". It featured Larry Lessig, Stanford Law Professor; Chris Anderson (editor-in-chief of Wired magazine); Paul LeClerc, president & CEO of the NYPL; David Drummond, Google’s VP of Corporate Development, and others. Larry Lessig reports on his blog that various electronic versions of the event are available. You can download an mp3, a video torrent,view a QuickTime movie, or listen to the audio via QuickTime.
Isn’t technology great?!
The Picower Institute
The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at MIT's Brain and Cognitive Sciences Complex (pictured), the largest neuroscience research facility in the world, just opened Dec 2005 and is generating some fascinating research. (Like the window in...
Google & Ill-formed Searches
Great article in the online journal Library Philosophy and Practice (LPP) ("a peer-reviewed electronic journal that publishes articles exploring the connection between library practice and the philosophy and theory behind it.") about using Google in the...
Free Continuing Ed For Librarians!
Saw a terrific SirsiDynix Institute “webinar” this week on the Digital Library Federation‘s Electronic Resources Management Initiative. Tim Jewell hosted this event, which was a lecture and accompanying PowerPoint. It was informative and very professional....
Powerpoint Much?
Garr Reynolds’ blog Presentation Zen is a must-read for anyone who makes powerpoints. Great sensible ideas for creating good “slideware” with examples – the comparison of Steve Jobs’ and Bill Gates’ presentations are eye-opening (and more...
Response To O'reilly
My favorite dj, Vin Scelsa, has a letter to the editor in the Oct 1, 2005 New York Times in response to Tim O'Reilly's Sept 28 op-ed piece about authors & Google Scholar. Vin compares his work of playing digital music (which he does for WFUV...