Images Online

Images Online

I saw two great lists of free online images, both published in November. Thought I'd blog them here so I don't forget them ...
Check out both the text of the blog posts as well as the comments.

My three favorite sites for images for PowerPoint presentations are ...

- Open Challenge To Microsoft, Google, And Yahoo! Developers
Ok, geospatial mapping services are great and all, but come on, mapping the brain is far more interesting and needed. So I offer an open challenge to Microsoft, Google, and Yahoo! developers who are involved with these AJAX and Flash-related mapping technologies...

- Another Cool (end-user) Widget
I'm close to reading an article in National Geographic about animal cognition (which I'll blog soon, hopefully), when I spotted this at the bottom of the page: NGM Widgets Put National Geographic images and puzzles on your web page.Awesome. Widgets...

- Helping Scholars Find Material (rant)
John Dupuis, who writes the blog Confessions of a Science Librarian refers us to an interesting series of posts called "Finding Scientific Papers for Free." Written by biologist Sandra Porter on her blog Discovering Biology in a Digital World, they are...

- Addendum To Thoughts About Reference
My thoughts on this topic are evolving, and there are so many related blog posts about it, that I've created a separate post for my links & additional thoughts on The Future of Reference. In no particular order: * From the 2007 Massachusetts Library...

- Powerpoint Much?
Garr Reynolds’ blog Presentation Zen is a must-read for anyone who makes powerpoints. Great sensible ideas for creating good “slideware” with examples – the comparison of Steve Jobs’ and Bill Gates’ presentations are eye-opening (and more...

