Blogging & Podcasting News
Just discovered that CBS News is blogging too. I prefer the casual yet newsy tone of NBC’s Daily Nightly, but CBS offers an RSS feed.
And have I mentioned that the News Hour is podcasting? I don’t have time (or patience) to watch TV News, but I like reading blogs and listening to podcasts.
Fda Offers Rss Feed
From the FDA: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 18, 2005 Media Inquiries: Kathleen Quinn 301-827-6242 Consumer Inquiries: 888-INFO-FDA FDA Sets Up RSS Feed The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has added a new RSS feed to its Web site that provides links...
Again With The Daily Nightly
Fascinating to watch NBC News embrace blogging (see the Daily Nightly) in which Brian Williams, news correspondents, and producers blog about the news that’s going to be in that night’s telecast (as well as some that isn’t). Now they’re “netcasting”...
Podcast Updates
The New York Times is podcasting some of its select content. You know, the kind you have to pay for, but you really want to read, like Maureen Dowd, Frank Rich [coming soon], and Bob Herbert Bob Herbert's columns. I’m a Times News Tracker subscriber,...
Politicians Blogging -- Election Effects?
US Senator Barak Obama is podcasting. He reads some prepared remarks – about 10 minutes each – once a week. I’ve heard him present some suggestions for how to handle cleanup and poverty issues in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and voicing thoughtful,...
So sorry about what’s happening in New Orleans and Mobile and the rest of that Gulf coast. If you’re a newsie, the two blogs I recently blogged are doing a swell job of reporting the humanity behind the stories. So I’m going to repeat them. It’s...