Optical Illusion

Optical Illusion

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- Elsewhere
Conversations on consciousness: Sue Blackmore interviews Dan Dennett (MP3), VS Ramachandran (MP3), and Francis Crick (MP3). IQ: the brilliant idea that failed (book review). The spinning silhouette optical illusion - worth checking out. Brief discussion...

- Cogsci Humor: Consciousness
more animals...

- Hollywood's Usability Bloopers
Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox for December 18 is called Usability in the Movies -- Top 10 Bloopers, and it pokes fun at computer user interfaces as depicted in the movies. Kind of funny, esp. the line from Jurassic Park in which a 12-year old says "This...

- Optical Illusions
From David Pogue's New York Times blog comes this: Technology / Pogues Posts: A Wacky Persistence of Vision Test New York Times, June 10, 2005 By DAVID POGUE This wild and wacky persistence-of-vision test is a new one on me. There is absolutely, positively...

- Visual Illusions And Direct Perception
A while back I reviewed a bunch of papers by Rob Withagen who is currently arguing that while perception is not typically based in specifying variables, it can and should still be ecological in nature. While we are also developing an account of information...

