Optical Illusions
From David Pogue's New York Times blog comes this:
Technology /
Pogues Posts: A Wacky Persistence of Vision Test
New York Times, June 10, 2005
This wild and wacky persistence-of-vision test is a new one on me. There is absolutely, positively no green in this circle of dots--but even I, Mr. Color-blind, saw phantom green spots after only about three seconds.
[swb note: there are many more optical illusions at this site, including face perception & emotion and a cool "stepping feet" illusion]
Finding Cogsci Podcasts
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Want One
Apple's new iPhone. Hmmm, and my current cell phone contract is up in March ... edited to add: see David Pogue's New York Times column on the topic, and also his answers to frequently asked questions about the iPhone....
Does Usability Change With Events?
The New York Times reports today that during last week’s transit strike, the New York City news site displayed a “stark black-and-white page with basic blue headline links” rather than its usual flashy graphics. Folks at NY1 say they streamlined...
Google Tips
David Pogue blogs about GoogleGuide on the NYTimes today. It's a nice cheat sheet for all the cool stuff you can do on Google, with useful examples. If you Google, you should check this out....
Visual Illusions And Direct Perception
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