CogSci Humor: Consciousness

CogSci Humor: Consciousness

funny pictures of cats with captions
more animals

- Christof Koch Now
["... Now" is a short post of cog sci topics in the news] Ginger Campbell over at the Brain Science Podcast recently interviewed Christof Koch. It’s a fascinating discussion -- almost a lecture by Koch -- on the nature of consciousness. Koch kept things...

- Labels (tags) On Blogspot Blogs
Wow! Labels (aka "tags") on posts for Blogspot blogs. Just had some fun creating labels for my last 100 posts. Take a look: CogSci usability animals books and, of course, library science Find labels on posts that interest you, and find "more like...

- She's Back ... Kind Of
Hmm. Not sure what the status of this blog is, besides ... “quiet”. The new job is keeping me hopping, as is the part-time job on weekends. Less time to blog, and, sadly, less exposure to cool stuff in Cognitive Science.

- En Vacances
The CogSci Librarian is en vacances until early June. Blog on!...

- Hlsa 391 - Humor Your Way To Good Health
WINTER TERM 2012 M, T, W, TH 12 PM - 3:30 PM 3 CREDITS Discover your own humor talents while exploring the many aspects of humor practices including jokes, performance arts, graphic expression, story telling, anecdotes, and games.  Explore public...

