Open J-Gate — Open Access Journal Database
From India comes Open J-Gate, a great open access journal database, in which all articles are freely accessible. It appears to cover many disciplines, and they say that content goes back to 2001 and indexes 3,000 journals.
What’s cool about this from an LIS perspective is the indexing. One might almost say “cataloging” — articles are given subject headings, which are searchable.
On the downside, there isn’t much in the way of metadata (no abstract; it just links to the full-text), and although the subjects look like they’re hyperlinked, they’re actually not. Worse, in the advanced search, Boolean searching isn’t possible; a search for “cats and diabetes” in the veterinary science section is not fruitful, because “[m]ore than one word will be treated as phrase“
Still, this one is definitely worth a look!
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