A Bit of Unscientific (Library) Research

A Bit of Unscientific (Library) Research

I'm taking a very informal, unscientific poll for the Simmons Continuing Ed. class I'm teaching next week:

Is your library making "open access" journals available to your patrons? These are things like articles in the Directory of Open Access Journals, Public Library of Sciencee journals, and other "miscellaneous free e-journals" (tm SFX)? If so, how?

Email me, comment, or otherwise let me know what you're doing in your library.


- Neuroscience In Plos
Have you seen PloS? The Public Library of Science "is a nonprofit organization of scientists and physicians committed to making the world's scientific and medical literature a freely available public resource.." I've referred to two of their articles...

- Craigslist @ Your Library?
The conservative librarians' approach to library promotion: if the idea won't reach lots & lots of our potential audience, we don't do it. With the new world, 21st century, Web 2.0, Internets(sic), etc., we need to change this thinking. Instead...

- Public Library Marketing Toolkit
ProQuest & CSA have come out with a terrific public library marketing toolkit that could benefit ALL libraries. It includes some great material that savvy librarians can use to publicize their offerings, and not just those from ProQuest / CSA (tho'...

- Nature Neuro, Etc. Offers Rss Feeds
Did you know that the journal Nature (plus its myriad imprints) has rss feeds? You can get them for Nature itself, Nature Neuroscience, and Nature Neuroscience Reviews -- plus a whole bunch more. Check out the Nature page for info. on RSS feeds and the...

- Hampshire "trials" Openurl With Google Scholar
Google Scholar now includes HC Links! Search in Google Scholar and click on "Hampshire Access" in results. You'll see if Hampshire has access to the journal online, or if it's available in the library. It only works from http://scholar.google.com/schhp?inst=hampshire.edu...

