Events I Will Be Leading
I thought some of you might be interested in this Continuing Ed class I'm co-teaching with Terry Plum in November about open access journals: "Open Access and Free Scholarly Resources: What Are They and How Can You Find Them?"
Terry will answer these questions & more: What is Open Access? What does it mean for libraries, with respect to journals, databases, and other scholarly resources? What do publishers think of this model, and who pays for it? We will provide a brief overview of the Open Access movement and discuss future possibilities. We will also address related issues such as the Google Book Project, the Open Content Alliance, and journal embargoes.
I will talk about how we can find these Open Access journals. These are usually free, so it's a nice way of adding content for your users at no cost. Terry and I will review harvesting standards and protocols such as OpenURL. I will demonstrate some academic resources such as the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) as well as some free scholarly search engines such as the science search engine Scirus and Google Scholar. Finally, we will discuss how you can promote use of these resources to your patrons.
Date: Nov. 4, from 10-1:30.
Location: GSLIS West Office, across from the campus of Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, Mass. Easy access for western Mass. & Connecticut residents, and lots of free parking.
Cost: $160 -- current GSLIS students & faculty can register for half price!
See Simmons Continuing Ed Workshops @ Mount Holyoke for more info or see our Facebook event.
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More Obsequious Science Spam... This one's from Bentham Open. Maybe you or one of your friends have gotten a similar pitch. First, the story circa early 2007. The Open Neuroscience Journal Dear Scientist. Bentham Science Publishers have gained...
Find Good Research, Free
image source: FindIcons I recently spoke to Daniel Kreiss' JOMC 244 class: Talk Politics: An Introduction to Political Communication, and I created this library resource guide for further research. I wrote this post for the...
Google Scholar & You
Here are answers to some Frequently Asked Questions about Google Scholar. I often get asked what I think about Google Scholar, so I wrote a post on my library's blog in response -- and have referred several students to it. I figured it was worth sharing...
Philosophers’ Imprint
Edited by philosophers Published by librarians Free to readers of the Web More open access, this time in philosophy. Gotta love their tag line. Heard about this at a fabulous scholarly communication colloquium at UMass last week. Their goal? “Although...
Hampshire "trials" Openurl With Google Scholar
Google Scholar now includes HC Links! Search in Google Scholar and click on "Hampshire Access" in results. You'll see if Hampshire has access to the journal online, or if it's available in the library. It only works from