Neuropsychology Abstract of the Day: Parkinson's Disease and Olfaction
Landis BN & Burkhard PR.
Phantosmias and Parkinson disease. Archives of Neurology. 2008 Sep; 65(9): 1237-1239.
BACKGROUND: Impaired olfaction is a common, nonmotor manifestation of Parkinson disease (PD). However, to our knowledge, qualitative olfactory disturbances, such as odor distortions, have not been extensively reported in this condition. OBJECTIVE: To describe 2 patients who reported positive olfactory symptoms preceding typical PD, which were consistent with olfactory hallucinations (phantosmias) in the absence of major smell deficit. DESIGN: Case series. SETTING: University hospital. Patients We describe 2 patients, both seen in 2007, who reported pleasant olfactory hallucinations for several years. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Iodine I 123-labeled ioflupane single-photon emission computed tomography and olfactometric testing results. RESULTS: The (123)I-labeled ioflupane single-photon emission computed tomography showed reduced radiotracer uptake in both striatum more marked in the putamen and on the left side in patient 1 and reduced radiotracer uptake in both putamen more marked on the right side in patient 2. Olfactometric testing showed mild hyposmia in patient 1 and normal function in patient 2. The disappearance of the phantosmias in both patients coincided with the development of typical PD. CONCLUSION: We propose phantosmia as a new premotor manifestation of PD and suggest that qualitative abnormalities of olfaction, rather than the typical smell loss demonstrated in this condition, should be more carefully examined in the prodromal phase of PD
Neuropsychology Abstract Of The Day: Olfaction And Neurodegenerative Disease
Just noticeable difference in olfaction: A discriminative tool between healthy elderly and patients with cognitive disorders associated with dementia Rhinology. 2011 15 1; 49(5): 513-518. Chopard G, Galmiche J, Jacquot L, Brand G Abstract Olfactory dysfunction...
Neuropsychology Abstract Of The Day: Parkinson's Disease And Olfaction
Kranick SM, & Duda JE. Olfactory dysfunction in Parkinson's disease. Neurosignals. 2008; 16(1): 35-40. Department of Neurology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Prior to the onset of the cardinal motor features...
Neuropsychology Abstract Of The Day: Olfaction And Dementia
Hubbard PS, Esiri MM, Reading M, McShane R, & Nagy Z. Alpha-synuclein pathology in the olfactory pathways of dementia patients. Journal of Anatomy. 2007 Jun 6; [Epub ahead of print] Division of Neuroscience, The Medical School, University of Birmingham,...
Neuropsychology Abstract Of The Day: Olfactory Functioning And Mild Cognitive Impairment (mci)
Djordjevic J, Jones-Gotman M, De Sousa K, & Chertkow H. (2007). Olfaction in patients with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology and Aging [epub ahead of print.] Montreal Neurological Institute, 3801 University Street, Department...
Abstract Of The Day: Smell Identification And Anosmia Screening
Jackman AH & Doty RL. Utility of a three-item smell identification test in detecting olfactory dysfunction. Laryngoscope. 2005 Dec; 115(12): 2209-2212. From the Smell and Taste Center, Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Hospital...