Mirror Neurons

Mirror Neurons

The cover story of the October 2005 issue of the American Psychological Association Monitor is one of several articles in the issue about mirror neurons: "The Mind's Mirror" by Lea Winerman.
Anthony H. Risser | neuroscience | neuropsychology | brain

- Mirror Meme
Mirror neuron backlash has struck! From a spark lit by Chris at Mixing Memory criticizing "massive, overblown publicity" and some iffy mirror neuron research, debate spread like brushfire (or at least, like email). Among the technical commentary and research...

- Mirror Neuron Death March
Above image: Jim Peters almost wins the marathon Vancouver, 7 August 1954, with mirror neurons by Rizzolatti & Craighero (2004). Greg Hickok at Talking Brains has a series of posts dismantling the mirror neuron theory of action understanding. Actually,...

- Mirror Neurons Control The Universe
Chris at Mixing Memory has a piece on the latest paper (Freedberg & Gallese, TICS 2007) to describe mirror neurons as accounting for empathy, art, aesthetics, and all forms of nonverbal communication (and and peace, love, and understanding. What's...

- Art Therapy In Dementia
From The New York Times: The Pablo Picasso Alzheimer's Therapy By RANDY KENNEDY The New York Times Published: October 30, 2005 SITTING the other day in front of Picasso's rapturous "Girl Before a Mirror" at the Museum of Modern Art, Rueben Rosen...

- Recognition At The Mirror
From The New York Times:Who's That Strange Monkey in the Mirror? By NICHOLAS WADE The New York Times Published: July 26, 2005 Humans, the great apes and, probably, dolphins share an intellectual skill unusual in the animal world: they recognize...

