Looking for an interesting elective course for Spring 2012? Check out the Science Behind Computing!

Looking for an interesting elective course for Spring 2012? Check out the Science Behind Computing!

CMSC 1981 Science Behind Computing: What makes web search, navigation systems, and social media work?

CMSC 1981
Spring 2012
MWF 10-10:50 am
Samir Khuller

Ever wonder how Google does such a remarkable job as a search engine? How Mapquest provides directions? How an iPOD stores so much information? How companies mine data and learn about you? How computational advertising works? How people send an SMS over a noisy wireless medium?

This course will take a peek inside some of the underlying algorithmic principles involved in developing the fascintaing science behind computing. Students will also learn about modern hardware and software, as well as basics about communication over the internet and basic programming skills.

For more information about this course go to: http://www.cs.umd.edu/class/spring2012/cmsc198i

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