Link feast
In case you missed them - 10 of the best psychology and neuroscience links from the past week:
You know the Prisoners' Dilemma game that's used in behavioural economics? They just tested it on actual prisoners and found them to be more cooperative than students!
How would you feel if you lost everything you owned, even if you were financially compensated? Like part of you had died? Or liberated? I examined the psychology of our lifelong relationship with objects for the August issue of
The Psychologist. (full contents for the issue).
Did we reach "peak neuro" in 2008? Daniel Engber at
Slate magazine argues that the high tide of neuro-bunk has already been and gone. I'm not so sure!
New Naked Neuroscience podcast is devoted to the psychology and neuroscience of humour (more on humour from The Psychologist magazine).
Revenge of the nerds: Once family background is taken into account, high school popularity no longer predicts adult salary.
Spiders may have personalities - Nadia Drake for
Wired with an amusing report on a fun study: "Huddling, running, or walking away from the stick suggested that a spider might not be as aggressive than those who held their ground, lurched toward the stick, or raised a leg at it."
The perfect workspace according to psychology and neuroscience - I gathered the evidence for
Catch up on iPlayer with Extreme OCD Camp from BBC Three. Here's an accompanying BBC article on living with OCD (and more on OCD from the Digest archive).
Why behaviour change apps don't work.
Don't show this to anyone with somnambulism, they might get the wrong idea: "Some experts believe that you can prepare for marathons in your sleep"
Looking ahead to next week: why not visit the female scientists art exhibition curated by psychologist Professor Uta Frith at the Royal Society in London? "Have you ever wondered what the Royal Society’s home would look like if its walls were gender-reversed? If, instead of Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein, portraits of Kathleen Lonsdale, Elsie Widdowson and Dorothy Hodgkin were the norm?"
Post compiled by Christian Jarrett (@psych_writer) for the BPS Research Digest.
Link Feast
In case you missed them - 10 of the best psychology links from the past week: 1. "Research suggests that mental illnesses lie along a spectrum — but the field's latest diagnostic manual still splits them apart" - ace feature by David Adam for Nature...
Link Feast
In case you missed them, 10 of the best psychology links from the past week: 1. The Psychologist magazine has released a digital preview of its forthcoming April issue which is devoted to the psychology of humour, including free access to: my feature...
Link Feast
In case you missed them - 10 of the best psychology links from the past week: 1. The doyenne of British psychology, Professor Uta Frith DBE, has written an article for the Huffington Post calling for more recognition of female scientists. She says that...
Tuck into our latest round-up of the best psych and neuro links: A close-up surface photo of the cortex of a living human brain has won this year's Wellcome Trust Image Awards. Don’t Call a 9-Year-Old a “Psychopath”, says Discover magazine blogger...
Our round-up of the latest psychology links from around the web: Tips from psychologists on how to maintain focus at work (New York Times). Don't worry, reading the Digest blog definitely counts as work. Facebook users average just 3.74 degrees of...