Link feast
In case you missed them, 10 of the best psychology links from the past week:
1. The Psychologist magazine has released a digital preview of its forthcoming April issue which is devoted to
the psychology of humour, including free access to: my feature article How many psychologists does it take to explain a joke? ; Marc Abrahams (of the Ignobel Awards) on psychology research that will make you laugh, then think; Richard Wiseman's interview with stand-up comic Rich Herring about the psychology of comedy; Sophie Scott on the psychology of laughter; plus much more - check it out!
2. How babies work - new blog by Nicholas Day for Slate.
3. Why it's difficult to admit that a long book you read was rubbish. Classic research digested in entertaining style by Tom Stafford for BBC Future.
4. The world's longest-running experiments remind us that science is a marathon, not a sprint (Nature feature includes discussion of Lewis Terman's longitudinal study of gifted children - now 9 decades long!).
5. A campaign against the latest version of psychiatry's diagnostic code (DSM5) was launched this week by Louis Hoffman, Ph.D., President of the Society for Humanistic Psychology, and Peter Kinderman, Ph.D., who is Professor of Clinical Psychology at University of Liverpool, UK.
6. Why is the Myers-Briggs test so ubiquitous despite zero scientific credibility?
7. The Psychology of Effective Workout Music
8. Dorothy Bishop posted a riposte on her blog this week, after the authors of a recent paper (on the benefits of action video games for dyslexia) complained about her earlier criticisms of their work. Interesting arguments here about small sample sizes, newsworthy findings, and whether blogs are the right place for academic debate. Good points made on both sides, I thought.
9. Split-Brain Patients Reveal Brain's Flexibility - cool comic infographic by neuroscientist Dwayne Godwin and artist Jorge Cham for Scientific American (more on the left- and right-brain).
10. Inspiring interview with psychologist Carol Dweck about how to cultivate a growth mindset - the idea that success comes from effort and dedication, not raw talent.
Looking ahead to this weekend, novelist Will Self is in conversation with neuroscientist Hugo Spiers at the London Museum on Saturday evening.
Post compiled by Christian Jarrett (@psych_writer) for the BPS Research Digest.
Link Feast
In case you missed them - 10 of the best psychology and neuroscience links from the past week: 1. The pre-registration debate has kicked off. Sophie Scott wrote an article this week for Times Higher on why she is opposed to the idea of planned psychology...
Link Feast
In case you missed them - 10 of the best psychology links from the past week: 1. Shyness is not a disorder (Personal reflections from Joe Moran in Aeon magazine). 2. Next gen hi-res microscope for reconstructing human brain will produce more data...
Link Feast
In case you missed them - 10 of the best psychology links from the past week: 1. The publishers Wiley have teamed up with TED to present a series of curated neuroscience talks packaged with free teaching and study materials. 2. Differences around...
Link Feast
In case you missed them - 10 of the best psychology links from the past week: 1. The great illusion of the self - mind-boggling goodness from New Scientist (free registration required to read the full articles). 2. Professor Uta Frith DBE, autism...
Links to the best psychology and neuroscience writing and broadcasting, compiled for your weekend pleasure: The latest issue of The Psychologist magazine is online (browse the contents or view the free preview). It includes an open-access feature on self-control...