Link Feast

Link Feast

In case you missed them - 10 of the best psychology links from the past week:

1. "Research suggests that mental illnesses lie along a spectrum — but the field's latest diagnostic manual still splits them apart" - ace feature by David Adam for Nature News.

2. "Can you catch depression?" asked the Daily Mail on the back of a new study published in the new journal Clinical Psychological Science. NHS Choices takes a calm, objective look at the evidence.

3. Why is it so hard to quit smoking? Open-access article by Lynne Dawkins in the newly published May issue of The Psychologist magazine.

4. Last Friday's episode of the delightful BBC Radio 4 Mind Changers series was on Abraham Maslow and the hierarchy of needs.

5. "Neurodiversity rewires conventional thinking about brains" - by Steve Silberman for Wired.

6. Children are like little scientists in the way they learn about their environment through play. David Dobbs visits Alison Gopnik's lab at University of California, Berkeley. (more from the Digest archive).

7. Across two posts, our sister blog the Occupational Digest explored what we know about psychopathy in the work place. (more from the main Digest archive).

8. Two of psychology's greats in conversation - Steve Pinker and Howard Gardner.

9. How Could a Terrorist Seem So Normal? - Allen McConnell looks to self-complexity research for answers.

10. From psychologist Rolf Zwaan - Witty reflections on the actual mechanisms underlying social priming (like when you warm to a person who gives you a hot drink).


Looking ahead to next week: Skeptics in the pub meets in Greenwich on Weds eve and features psychologist Chris French. 

Post compiled by Christian Jarrett (@psych_writer) for the BPS Research Digest.

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