Link Feast

Link Feast

Our 10 favourite psychology and neuroscience links from the last week or so:

People's drawings of their own brains.

Last week's issue of Narratively was a psychology special, including a comic look at a week on a psych ward and how an amateur exposed flaws in a major positive psychology theory.

The Why Factor on BBC World Service looked at the history and psychology of swearing (more from The Psychologist magazine).

Kerri Smith wrote an excellent and measured article for Nature on scientists' attempts to decode the content of people's thoughts using brain scans.

Your body language doesn't only reflect your mood, it causes it.

A BBC investigation reports that Neurolinguistic Programming Therapy is harming traumatised war veterans.

An interview with Eric Eich, the new editor of Psychological Science - the flagship journal of the Association for Psychological Science. He reveals plans for 2014 that will hopefully reduce the prevalence of questionable research practices.

Why do we enjoy scaring ourselves, asks Nathalia Gjersoe at the Guardian's Head Quarters blog (more from the The Psychologist magazine).

Babies' basic number sense predicts their maths ability at age 3 - Virginia Hughes reports on a cute and intriguing study for her Only Human blog (but see also).

Ann Friedman wrote about Impostor Syndrome for Pacific Standard magazine - this is the feeling that you got where you are by luck, not skill (more from The Psychologist magazine).

Post compiled by Christian Jarrett (@psych_writer) for the BPS Research Digest.

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