Link feast
Our editor's pick of this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links:
The Five-point Plan to Help Paris Survivors Recover From Attacks
New Scientist speaks to UCL psychologist Chris Brewin.
The Problem With the Argument That People ‘Ignored’ Terrorism in Beirut, But Not in Paris
It's human nature not to, and not worth shaming people over, writes Jesse Singal at
New York's Science of Us.
Bad Thoughts Can’t Make You Sick, That’s Just Magical Thinking
So argues Angela Kennedy on the new Opinion page at the recently relaunched
Aeon magazine.
Is Serotonin The Happy Brain Chemical, and Do Depressed People Just Have Too Little of It?
This is the debut post from Oxford University neuroscience grad student Sofia Deleniv on her new blog
The Neurosphere.
Championing Responsible Antibiotic Use
Ella Rhodes at
The Psychologist reports on a role for psychology and psychologists in tackling a major societal issue.
The Virtue of Contradicting Ourselves
We don’t just loathe inconsistencies in others; we hate them in ourselves, too. But why?" asks Adam Grant in this
New York Times op-ed. "What makes contradictions so revolting — and should they be?"
Brain Scans Can Help Explain Why Self-Affirmation Works
Simply reflecting on what's important to you seems to bolster your psychological defenses, according to this new study that I covered for
New York's Science of Us.
Can You Think Yourself Into A Different Person?
We used to believe our brains couldn’t be changed. Now we believe they can – if we want it enough. But is that true? Will Storr at
Mosaic wades through the facts and fiction.
The Observer Corps
As the "Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies" (BRAIN) initiative gets going in earnest, the
Economist asks What is the way best to study the brain? Big labs or small?
Why Are Conspiracy Theories So Attractive? (audio)
From the latest
Guardian Science Weekly podcast: Should we distrust our own ability to reason? Why is debunking conspiracy theories such a risky business? And is David Icke a force for good?
Post compiled by Christian Jarrett (@psych_writer) for the BPS Research Digest.
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Link Feast
Our editor's pick of this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links: Why So Negative? Ella Rhodes at The Psychologist speaks to psychologists about the ongoing EU referendum campaigns. Ten Serendipitous Findings in Psychology Compiled by...
Link Feast
Our editor's pick of the 10 best psychology and neuroscience links from the last week or so: Replication: Is the glass half full, half empty, or irrelevant? Is psychology research in crisis or not? The question is back on the agenda thanks to a new...
Link Feast
Our editor's pick of this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links: A Matter of Life and Death Celia Kitzinger and Sue Wilkinson at The Psychologist argue there’s a role for psychologists in helping people with their Advance Decisions....
Link Feast
Our editor's pick of this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links: Cracking the Skull Open Most of our organs can be treated as repairable machines. Why can’t we treat mental illness by simply fixing the brain? asks Joe Herbert at Aeon...
Link Feast
Our pick of this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links: The Monster Mind Enlisting the help of Godzilla and a few of its friends, Jonathan Myers (writing at The Psychologist magazine) considers why we see monsters and what form they take....