Link feast
Our editor's pick of this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links:
The Brain With David Eagleman (TV show)
BBC Four series in which neuroscientist David Eagleman explores how the brain, locked in silence and darkness without direct access to the world, conjures up the rich and beautiful world we all take for granted.
Can a Brain Scan Uncover Your Morals?
"Brain images are becoming standard evidence in some of the country’s most controversial and disturbing death penalty trials – including the case of Steven Worthington," writes Kamala Kelkar at
The Guardian.
23 Messages for Anyone Considering Suicide, From People Who’ve Been There
Quotes compiled by
The Mighty website.
We Should Teach Parents About How Babies Develop, Not How To Be Parents
"I’m not saying that parenting isn’t important for children’s development," writes developmental psychologist Elizabeth Meins at
The Conversation, "... but this scaremongering about early parenting having the potential to damage your baby’s brain development ... really isn’t helpful." (On a related note, check out
The Psychologist's guide to You and Your Baby).
Dr. Elaine Aron on the Highly Sensitive Person (podcast)
Roughly 20 per cent of the population can be classified as highly sensitive, so all of us likely know someone (or are someone) with this trait. Find out more in this new episode of
The Psychology Podcast with host Scott Barry Kaufman.
Science is "Other-Correcting"
On his blog, neuropsychologist Keith Laws tells the sorry tale of what happened when he and his colleagues raised concerns about serious errors in a recent journal paper about CBT for psychosis.
What Personality Tests Really Reveal
There are a lot of personality tests claiming to tell you how to work best, writes psychologist Art Markman at
FastCompany. Here's how to make sense of them all.
13 Charts That Will Make Total Sense To People With Impostor Syndrome
Impostor syndrome says Kristin Chirico at
BuzzFeed: that sinking feeling where you’re afraid you’re not good enough, and everyone is going to find out about it (more on Impostor Syndrome).
Speed Reading Promises Are Too Good to Be True, Scientists Find
A new report in
Psychological Science in The Public Interest shows that that there are no magic shortcuts when it comes to reading more quickly while still fully understanding what we’ve read.
The Brain Show (Live tour)
Neuroscience-based standup comedy show with Robert Newman is on a tour around England (review and Newman interview in
The Psychologist).
Post compiled by Christian Jarrett (@psych_writer) for the BPS Research Digest.
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Link Feast
Our editor's pick of this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links: All in the Brain? (open letter) British psychologist Richard Bentall has written an open letter to Stephen Fry, asking him to stop describing his mental illness as...
Link Feast
Our editor's pick of this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links: The Big Baby Experiment A London lab is deploying every technology it can to understand infant brains, and what happens when development goes awry. Linda Geddes reports...
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Our pick of this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links: Making Holidays Work With the holiday season in full swing, work and organisational psychologist Jessica de Bloom (writing for The Psychologist) takes a tour of the world of vacation...
Link Feast
Our 10 favourite psychology and neuroscience links from the last week or so: People's drawings of their own brains. Last week's issue of Narratively was a psychology special, including a comic look at a week on a psych ward and how an amateur...
Link Feast
In case you missed them - 10 of the best psychology links from the past week: 1. Fifteen psychology experts share their best productivity tips. 2. Last night, BBC Two's Horizon broadcast "The Creative Brain: How Insight Works" (more on creativity...