Link feast

Link feast

Our pick of the best psychology and neuroscience links from the past week:

“Cyranoids”: Stanley Milgram’s Creepiest Experiment
Milgram is most famous for his obedience experiments, but Neuroskeptic reports on new research into another of Milgram's ideas - that our speech can be fed to us by someone else (so we become a Cyranoid) without anyone realising anything is amiss.

Rising star of business psychology, Professor Adam Grant, has launched a new, free newsletter called "Granted"
The author of NYT Bestseller Give and Take promises to send you videos and articles about work and psychology.

America's New Bedlam
This disturbing radio documentary from BBC World Service investigates the treatment of the more than one million US prisoners who are mentally ill.

A Social Visit with Hallucinated Voices
Over at the PLOS Neuroscience Community blog, Vaughan Bell explores the social side of hearing voices - the fact that most voice-hearers have relationships with their voices, and perceive their voices as having identities. This is a hugely under-researched area, he says.

We Are Entering the Age of Alzheimer's
"Alzheimer’s ... is more than a disease of the brain. It is a pandemic of selfhood," writes Kent Russell in this moving portrait of a man coping with his father's dementia.

How to Be Alone: An Antidote to One of the Central Anxieties and Greatest Paradoxes of Our Time
At Brain Pickings, Maria Popova shares highlights from How to Be Alone by Sara Maitland.

Hundreds Report Waking up During Surgery
NHS Choices takes a calm looking at the study that led to some alarming headlines.

The Truth About Truthiness 
Megan McArdle at Bloomberg View takes issue with the idea (based largely on this study and disseminated by this Slate article) that low effort thought gives rise to conservative ideology.

A to Z of the Human Condition: N is for Natural Curiosity
Over at the Wellcome Collection blog, Mark Rapoza contemplates our unending curiosity with nature (alongside readers' nature photos).

Post compiled by Christian Jarrett (@psych_writer) for the BPS Research Digest.

- Link Feast
Our pick of the best psychology and neuroscience links from the past week: How Do Hallucinogens Work On The Brain? Just one of the articles in a hallucinogens-themed special issue of The Psychologist that's entirely free to access. Famous Milgram...

- What's It Like To Hear Voices That Aren't There?
Traditionally, when a person says they can hear voices that don't exist in external reality (not to be confused with inner speaking), psychiatry has treated this as a sign of mental illness. However, it's become clear in recent years that many...

- Link Feast
In case you missed them, here are 10 of the best psychology links from the past week: 1. "[the word] moist reigns supreme in its capacity to disgust a great many of us" -- fascinating Slate article on word aversion. 2. BBC Radio 4 told the gripping story...

- The Same Voices, Heard Differently?
It isn't just people with a diagnosis of schizophrenia who claim to hear voices inside their heads. Many other people do too. However, a key difference between psychiatric and non-psychiatric voice hearers is that the latter usually claim not to be...

- Fmri Neuroimaging Of Neural Control Over Speech
Inside the mind of an actor (literally) How does an actor engage with the part they are playing? Fiona Shaw undergoes a brain scan while reciting TS Eliot to help shed some light on the mystery Stuart Jeffries The Guardian Tuesday 24 November 2009 [snip]...

