Link Feast
In case you missed them, here are 10 of the best psychology links from the past week:
1. "[the word] moist reigns supreme in its capacity to disgust a great many of us" -- fascinating Slate article on word aversion.
2. BBC Radio 4 told the gripping story of Dr John Broadus Watson, the talented founder of behaviourism whose academic career ended in sexual scandal. (more from The Psychologist on Little Albert - the young boy experimented on by Watson; and see here).
3. "There's this enormous mystery waiting to be unlocked ... " After all the speculation, here's a video of Obama striking a patriotic tone as he launched The BRAIN Initiative (previously known as the Brain Activity Map). Also, check out Greg Miller's Q&A with William Newsome, one of the scientists leading the new project.
4. The British Journal of Psychiatry published a special open-access supplement of articles evaluating the multi-million pound mental health anti-stigma campaign Time to Change. Here's the Guardian's news report.
5. For Autism Awareness Day, the publishers Wiley released a batch of free related journal articles.
6. In his inimitable style, Jon Ronson explored the confirmation bias in the first episode of a new run of his BBC Radio 4 series Voices in the Head.
7. Can brain scans really predict which prisoners will go on to re-offend, as a new study suggests? Neurocritic takes a critical look.
8. Does the new edition of psychiatry's diagnostic manual - DSM5 - medicalise normal grief? Matthew Hill investigated for a BBC Radio 4 documentary.
9. Can you smell personality? (see also).
10. Has the idea of a dream-reading machine become a reality? Excitable news reports suggest so. Here's the journal abstract. Wired provides some caveats - the dreams were not from REM sleep, but from the initial stage of drifting off; they were decoded with fMRI after the fact, not live; and the decoding was pretty crude.
--Looking ahead to next week, it's the British Psychological Society's annual conference, this year taking place in Harrogate. The three-day event includes a free public lecture on the psychology of dance. See you there!
Post compiled by Christian Jarrett (@psych_writer) for the BPS Research Digest.
Link Feast
Our pick of this week's best psychology and neuroscience links: "it’s a story that involves psychology, psychologists, and even the British Psychological Society" Jon Sutton, editor of The Psychologist, reviews Jon Ronson's new book So You've...
Link Feast
In case you missed them - 10 of the best psychology links from the past week: 1. "Research suggests that mental illnesses lie along a spectrum — but the field's latest diagnostic manual still splits them apart" - ace feature by David Adam for Nature...
Link Feast
In case you missed them - 10 of the best psychology links from the past week: 1. The great illusion of the self - mind-boggling goodness from New Scientist (free registration required to read the full articles). 2. Professor Uta Frith DBE, autism...
Link Feast
In case you missed them, here are 10 of the best psychology links from the past week: 1. Nobel Laureate and psychology grandee Daniel Kahneman has written an open letter to all researchers in social priming research, advising them on steps to take to...
Tuck into our round-up of the latest psych and neuro news: All week, Channel 4 broadcast programmes aimed at combating the stigma of mental illness, as part of their 4 Goes Mad Season - available to watch again on 4oD. Esteemed psychologist George...