Link feast
Our pick of the best psychology and neuroscience links from the past week:
How Do Hallucinogens Work On The Brain?
Just one of the articles in a hallucinogens-themed special issue of
The Psychologist that's entirely free to access.
Famous Milgram 'Electric Shocks' Experiment Drew Wrong Conclusions About Evil, Say Psychologists
The Independent reports on a new analysis of feedback provided by participants in Milgram's studies.
Why Walking Helps Us Think
Ferris Jabr reflects poetically on the psychological benefits of perambulation.
Preventing Suicide: A Global Imperative
"Every 40 seconds a person dies by suicide somewhere in the world," says the WHO introducing its new report.
Surgeons and GPs [and Clinical Psychologists] More Likely to Cause Car Accidents Than Other Workers
The Guardian analyses insurance data and finds that, like their medical colleagues, clinical psychologists and psychotherapists are among the most accident prone drivers.
Neuroscience: Where Is The Brain in The Human Brain Project?
Yves Frégnac& Gilles Laurent lament the way that neuroscience, especially cognitive neuroscience, is allegedly being side-lined by a focus on technology in this European mega-project.
This Elderly Man Was Born With His Brain Hemispheres Disconnected. Did It Affect His Life? Hardly
The remarkable case of a man who discovered, aged 88, that he'd lived his whole life without a corpus callosum, apparently with little ill-effect.
The Point of Pointing
We point with our fingers, the Yupno of Papua New Guinea point with their noses. Virginia Hughes explores cross-cultural differences in this fundamental human behaviour.
Being Human or Not
Ruby Wax criticises the fashion for presenting oneself as eternally busy and infallible. "To be human," she says, "is to be able to say, 'I screwed up. I don't know what I'm doing. I am scared. I'm lost'".
People With Mental Illness Are More Likely to Be Victims of Homicide Than Perpetrators
Over at the Mental Elf blog, David Steele reports on new research that looked at UK homicide data.
Post compiled by Christian Jarrett (@psych_writer) for the BPS Research Digest.
Link Feast
Our pick of this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links: The Exciting Side of Boredom Ella Rhodes at The Psychologist meets psychologists who think boredom has had a bad press. How are Pilots Psychologically Screened? Tom de Castella...
Link Feast
Our pick of this week's best psychology and neuroscience links: "it’s a story that involves psychology, psychologists, and even the British Psychological Society" Jon Sutton, editor of The Psychologist, reviews Jon Ronson's new book So You've...
Link Feast
Our pick of the best psychology and neuroscience links from the past week: “Cyranoids”: Stanley Milgram’s Creepiest Experiment Milgram is most famous for his obedience experiments, but Neuroskeptic reports on new research into another of Milgram's...
Link Feast
In case you missed them - 10 of the best psychology links from the past week: 1. There's More to Life Than Being Happy - by Emily Esfahani Smith for the Atlantic. "Leading a happy life, the psychologists found, is associated with being a...
Our round-up of the latest juicy tit-bits from the world of psychology: The problem with twin studies (via @mrianleslie). A tendentious view from Slate magazine. For an alternative view, check out the Digest's own guest post on "Why...