Link feast
Our editor's pick of this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links:
Memories of Glyn W. Humphreys
Psychology is mourning the sudden loss of a hugely influential researcher, teacher and kind man.
The Stanford Professor Who Pioneered Praising Kids For Effort Says We’ve Totally Missed The Point
Rather than saying “Not everybody is a good at math. Just do your best,” a teacher or parent should say “When you learn how to do a new math problem, it grows your brain.” Jenny Anderson for
Where Are We Now? – David Bowie and Psychosis
Bowie's experiences of psychosis influenced his art, and his art in turn has influenced the manifestation of psychosis in others. Vaughan Bell reports for
Mind Hacks.
Why Boredom Is Anything But Boring
"Implicated in everything from traumatic brain injury to learning ability, boredom has become extremely interesting to scientists," writes Maggie Koerth-Baker at
The Joy of Psyching Myself Out
Musings from Maria Konnikova at the
New York Times on the similarities and (supposed) differences of seeing the world as a writer and psychologist.
Does Cannabis Really Lower Your IQ?
My recent research has shown that differences other than cannabis use might be causing the much-discussed disparities in cognitive function, writes PhD student Claire Mokrysz for
the Guardian.
From Riots to Crowd Safety
In the first of a new occasional series at
The Psychologist, social psychologist John Drury describes how he became fascinated by the psychology of crowds.
The Secret to Making Anxiety Work in Your Favour
In this excerpt from her new book
Presence, psychologist Amy Cuddy explains we may not be able to extinguish anxiety but we can learn to interpret it differently.
Does Reading Cognitive Bias Research Distort the Mind?
Sam McNerney warns that reading about research into cognitive biases may end up distorting your mind further (check out Sam's guest posts for the Digest).
In 2016, Think Really Hard About Why You Might Be Wrong
"Even as we feel our most closely held beliefs couldn't possibly be disproven," writes Jesse Singal at
New York's Science of Us, "we know that human history is nothing but closely held beliefs being disproven."
Post compiled by Christian Jarrett (@psych_writer) for the BPS Research Digest.
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Link Feast
Our editor's pick of this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links: Why Are Some People Habitually Late? There's no single root cause, but over-politeness, optimism, multitasking, and a range of other factors can contribute, writes...
Link Feast
Our editor's pick of this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links: A Matter of Life and Death Celia Kitzinger and Sue Wilkinson at The Psychologist argue there’s a role for psychologists in helping people with their Advance Decisions....
Link Feast
Our editor's pick of this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links: The Five-point Plan to Help Paris Survivors Recover From Attacks New Scientist speaks to UCL psychologist Chris Brewin. The Problem With the Argument That People ‘Ignored’...
Link Feast
Our pick of this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links: The Monster Mind Enlisting the help of Godzilla and a few of its friends, Jonathan Myers (writing at The Psychologist magazine) considers why we see monsters and what form they take....
Link Feast
In case you missed them - 10 of the best psychology links from the past week: 1. Sarah DeWeerdt for Nature takes a look at how cultural differences in social conventions affect the diagnosis of, and attitudes towards, people with autism. 2. The...