Link feast
In case you missed them - 10 of the best psychology links from the past week:
1. Sarah DeWeerdt for Nature takes a look at how cultural differences in social conventions affect the diagnosis of, and attitudes towards, people with autism.
2. The latest Neuropod podcast is a good'un with items on hallucinations and the replicability crisis in psychology. (see also the new special issue on replicability from
Perspectives in Psychological Science; and for more on hallucinations, check out Oliver Sacks' new book. Sacks was also profiled recently in New York magazine).
3. More concerns have been raised about cognitive enhancing drugs and other forms of human enhancement, particularly in the workplace. (this is an issue that keeps coming up. For example, check out this poll by Nature from 2008).
4. How neuroscience is making its way into the courtroom (see also).
5. BBC Radio 4's All in the Mind continued this week, including discussion of an important new CBT trial for patients with psychosis (see also, and here).
6. Nate Silver ignored any hunches and used sophisticated number-crunching to predict the outcome of the US election with great accuracy. Over at 99U, I asked the question - Are there any judgments for which it's actually better to go with your gut instinct?
7. Brain region found that does absolutely nothing - can't beat psychology in-jokes.
8. Neuroskeptic reports on a fascinating study that caught up with adults who'd claimed as kids to have past-life memories.
9. Neurobonkers reports on a story about a US psychologist who is seeking to patent a basic method for treating anxiety. The case raises a number of ethical issues, says NB, including: "What are the effects of patents on scientific progress? Should a researcher be able to patent a method that they were not the first to develop?"
10. I love this topic - Pacific Standard has a story about when architecture meets neuroscience. (if you too are interested in this field, check out my Psychologist magazine article from 2006 "Is there a psychologist in the building?" and this new interview in the magazine with a psychologist who researches optimising work spaces.).
Post compiled by Christian Jarrett for the BPS Research Digest.
Link Feast - Psychosis Special
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Link Feast
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Link Feast
In case you missed them - 10 of the best psychology links from the past week: 1. Times columnist Caitlin Moran has written a moving and poetic account of schizophrenia. 2. 21 words that could help improve the methods-reporting issues in psychology...
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