Link feast

Link feast

Our editor's pick of this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links:

The Big Baby Experiment
A London lab is deploying every technology it can to understand infant brains, and what happens when development goes awry. Linda Geddes reports for Nature.

Actively Investigating Rest
Ella Rhodes at The Psychologist reports from the first-year celebration of the Wellcome Trust funded Hubbub group.

When Jealousy and Empathy Collide in the Brain
A brain-imaging study I reported on for New York's Science of Us suggests that we don't mind that much when people above us in a hierarchy are in pain.

Diversity: It's Good For Your Brain
Living in a multicultural society is like taking a daily run: it keeps your mind fit, says Richard Crisp at The Guardian.

Believing What You Don’t Believe
"People can simultaneously recognize that, rationally, their superstitious belief is impossible, but persist in their belief, and their behavior, regardless," write Jane Risen and David Nussbaum in the this New York Times op-ed.

A 'Smart' Way To Spot Schizophrenia Signs
Emily Eisner, a Medical Research Council postgraduate student at the University of Manchester won this year's MRC Max Perutz Science Writing Award for this essay (published at BBC News) about ways smartphone technology might help identify when people are at risk of a psychotic episode.

Why We Should Stop Worrying About Our Wandering Minds
"Daydreaming has a bad reputation," writes Claudia Hammond at BBC Future, "but neuroscientists are beginning to realise that a wandering mind is not only typical – it might be beneficial."

The Story of Our Brains (audio)
In the latest episode of the Guardian's Science Weekly podcast, neuroscientist David Eagleman discusses how neuroscience and technology are reshaping how we understand our brains.

At Last, A Gold-standard Study On Brain Training
Over at The Conversation, Tom Stafford gives the low down on a new study into the benefits of online "brain training" exercises.

Shaker Aamer: How Torture is Like a Microwave For Your Mind
The last British prisoner to be released from Guantanamo Bay has been diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder, writes Lucy Maddox at Prospect magazine.
Post compiled by Christian Jarrett (@psych_writer) for the BPS Research Digest.

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Our editor's pick of this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links: A Decade of Delights Ten years ago I launched the Research Digest blog and on Wednesday in London we held a party to celebrate (also check out BPS President Professor...

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