Link feast

Link feast

Our editor's pick of this week's best psychology links:

Can a Morning Routine Make You Better At Your Job?
While some people struggle to make it out of bed on time, there are others who manage exercise, language lessons and more – all before work.

Angela Duckworth Responds To A New Critique Of Grit
The University of Pennsylvania psychologist and grit advocate responds to a new meta-analysis that concludes grit is not a useful concept.

The Psychologist Guide to… Leadership
Ella Rhodes speaks to psychologists for evidence-based tips. Sponsored by Goldsmiths Institute of Management Studies.

IQ Can Predict Your Risk of Death, and 8 Other Smart Facts About Intelligence
Nobody wants to be a number. But there is one number that probably says a lot about you, whether you know it or not: your IQ, or intelligence quotient.

Neuromyths With Laura Flores Shaw
The latest episode of the NeuroCurious podcast tackles the 10 per cent myth, the left brain / right brain myth plus much more!

Psychology’s ‘Registration Revolution’
Moves to uphold transparency are not only making psychology more scientific – they are harnessing our knowledge of the mind to strengthen science.

What Your Walk Really Says About You
We often think we can read someone’s personality from their gait – but while many of those assumptions are wrong, your walk may nevertheless reveal the one thing you are trying to hide.

The Empty Brain
Your brain does not process information, retrieve knowledge or store memories. In short: your brain is not a computer, argues Robert Epstein.

Your Words May Predict Your Future Mental Health
In this new TED talk, neuroscientist Mariano Sigman reflects on ancient Greece and the origins of introspection to investigate how our words hint at our inner lives and details a word-mapping algorithm that could predict the development of schizophrenia.

How to Use Distraction to Your Advantage
Your scatterbrain is great when it is time to think of new ideas. But when it comes to executing those ideas? Not so much.
Post written by Christian Jarrett (@psych_writer) for the BPS Research Digest.

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- Link Feast
Our editor's pick of this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links: All in the Brain? (open letter) British psychologist Richard Bentall has written an open letter to Stephen Fry, asking him to stop describing his mental illness as...

- Link Feast
Our editor's pick of this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links: The Psychologist Guide To… You and Your BabySimple evidence-based tips for those first few months, from Ella Rhodes at The Psychologist magazine (also check out...

- Link Feast
Our editor's pick of this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links: The Five-point Plan to Help Paris Survivors Recover From Attacks New Scientist speaks to UCL psychologist Chris Brewin. The Problem With the Argument That People ‘Ignored’...

- Link Feast
Our pick of this week's 10 best psychology and neuroscience links: The Man Who Couldn't Stop Giving What a Brazilian man's pathological generosity says about the biological roots of philanthropy
. What Can We Learn From Reading Online Reviews?...

- Link Feast
Our pick of the best psychology and neuroscience links from the past week or so: Why Our Memory Fails Us Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons provide some compelling examples of the fallibility of memory. PTSD: Do Most People Get it After Terrifying...

